Guardians of the Galaxy: “Knowhere to Run” Review

Guardians of the Galaxy: “Knowhere to Run” Review

Knowhere comes alive.

By Jesse Schedeen

Warning: full episode spoilers follow.

Nearly a month after airing the pilot episode of Guardians of the Galaxy, Disney finally delivered the second half of the premiere tonight in the form of “Knowhere to Run.” Unsurprisingly, little changed in terms of the show’s execution or overall quality. The show clearly has potential to succeed where other animated Marvel TV projects have faltered, but to do that it has to stop clinging so fiercely to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: “Road to Knowhere” Review

That’s easily the most frustrating aspect of the series so far. The writers and animators have a whole galaxy in which to play (it’s right there in the title) yet they seem afraid to include a single scene that doesn’t call back to the movie in some form or another. The setting remains confined to the Knowhere space station or one of Thanos’ ships. The plot is once again driven by a cosmic MacGuffin. Instead of The Orb this time, it’s the Cosmic Seed/Crypto Cube.

I get that Marvel is in a somewhat tricky situation with the franchise. The movie was wildly popular, but the average TV viewer has no exposure to the franchise beyond that. The show has to appeal to what casual audiences (especially kids) know and love and build an audience before trying to blaze new ground. Even so, there’s nothing to be gained from crafting something this slavishly devoted to a specific incarnation of the source material. It’s clear the show wants viewers to believe it’s a direct sequel to the movie, and only a few stray details (like Korath still being alive) serve to indicate otherwise.

And as I discussed in my review of the premiere, one of the big problems with that approach is it only calls attention to the ways the show doesn’t quite replicate the charm of the movie. The humor is a lot more broad and simplistic. Sure, the show is skewing younger than the movie, but there are any number of cartoons on the air right now that prove you can be family friendly and clever at the same time. In general, the characters are less nuanced. Gamora remains the biggest offender. There’s little sense of tragedy to her portrayal here, as she basically alternates between being annoyed by her teammates and itching for a fight.

I love Video games.First system i ever got was a Atari 2600,Ever since the first time i moved that joystick i was hooked.I have been writing and podcasting about games for 7 years now.I Started Digital Crack Network In 2015 and haven't looked back.

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