Heroes Reborn: “Game Over” Review


Hiro returns.

By Terri Schwartz

Full spoilers for Heroes Reborn’s sixth episode, “Game Over.”

This is the Heroes Reborn episode we’ve been waiting for. Finally, some stakes that feel high, some real answers to big questions and some interesting character development. “Game Over” did much better than just bring back Hiro Nakamura (Masi Oka), as it saw a death of a major character, brought together storylines to give them greater purpose and got us much closer to finding out what happened on June 13th.

It’s easy to call this the show’s best episode to date, and it finally was the one where I felt a solid connection to these characters. Quentin (Henry Zebrowski) asking HRG (Jack Coleman) if he saved his sister Phoebe (Aislinn Paul) before he died felt very earned and emotional, and Taylor’s (Eve Harlow) reaction to finding out her mother killed her boyfriend actually carried some weight. It only took Heroes Reborn six episodes, but in “Game Over” it finally delivered on the weeks of set up to show that dangerous times really are afoot, and these characters might actually be capable of stopping the end of the world.

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