iZombie: “Real Dead Housewife of Seattle” Review

iZombie: “Real Dead Housewife of Seattle” Review

Strappy shoe salvation

By Amy Ratcliffe

Note: Full spoilers for the episode follow.

It’s all connected is the tagline used to describe Agents of SHIELD, but it might apply more to iZombie. The world isn’t connected to a bigger landscape like the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but it establishes all sorts of threads within the series. For example, Peyton didn’t just randomly come back into the picture. She came back to lead a task force against Utopium — a drug tied to Major, Liv, Ravi, Blaine, Max Rager, and Seattle’s zombie problem at large. The case of the week was tied into Max Rager and led to the reveal of a bigger issue. The lines drawn between the subplots are well placed and believable.

The murder of the week was a 180 from the frat bro of the last episode. Rose McIver’s talent at bringing in elements of other personalities can’t be denied. She doesn’t just walk the walk if that makes sense; she brings in little affectations to sell the concept. Like I mentioned last week, some degree of stereotyping is necessary. Liv has to show and sell the broad strokes of a personality type since we don’t know the murder victims intimately — they’re reduced to a few traits in some ways. The danger is leaning too far into those stereotypes, but with Taylor, they struck a balance. The rich housewife turn was pretty hilarious.

iZombie: “Real Dead Housewife of Seattle” Photo Gallery:

iZombie: “Real Dead Housewife of Seattle” Photos

iZombie: “Real Dead Housewife of Seattle” Photos

iZombie: “Real Dead Housewife of Seattle” Photos

iZombie: “Real Dead Housewife of Seattle” Photos

iZombie: “Real Dead Housewife of Seattle” Photos


iZombie: “Real Dead Housewife of Seattle” Photos

iZombie: “Real Dead Housewife of Seattle” Photos

iZombie: “Real Dead Housewife of Seattle” Photos


iZombie: “Real Dead Housewife of Seattle” Photos
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Though Liv wasn’t able to control all her Taylor-influenced behavior, we saw her personality shine through the brain-haze. It seems like her strongest feelings are what make it through. We saw her reaction to Major and to Vaughn Du Clark, and it’s a little thing, but I like seeing some of the actual Liv in there.

And another small touch: the brain meal prep shots are more glamorous than they were in Season 2. They’re continuing to come up with different recipes for Liv’s meals, and they’re being shot as if they’re on the Food Network. It’s fabulous and makes me hungry every week which should not be the case because, well, it’s brains.

I love Video games.First system i ever got was a Atari 2600,Ever since the first time i moved that joystick i was hooked.I have been writing and podcasting about games for 7 years now.I Started Digital Crack Network In 2015 and haven't looked back.

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