Jem and the Holograms Review


This is not the adaptation fans were hoping for.

By Terri Schwartz

Jem and the Holograms is a coming-of-age movie set in the age of YouTube. It’s an inspirational story about how family, not fame, is what is important in life. It’s an analysis of the positive ways musicians can affect their audiences. What it’s not, though, is a Jem and the Holograms movie.

Sure, there are plenty of nods to the ’80s cartoon: the characters’ names, the star earrings, the hologram-producing Synergy (yes, Synergy is in the movie) and even, in one fan-service scene, Jerrica’s (Aubrey Peeples) jealousy of Rio’s (Ryan Guzman) affection for her Jem persona. But at its core, this movie is a coming-of-age movie with Jem and the Hologram packaging and not the other way around, and it’s the worse for it.

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