How’d you get YOUR superpower?
By Eric Goldman
Note: We’re writing up separate reviews for all 13 Jessica Jones episodes, though for the purposes of binging brevity, some may be notably shorter than our usual reviews. Click here to see all of our Jessica Jones episode reviews.
Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.
So much sex! And no, I’m not offended. And yes, we see far more graphic depictions of sex on other shows on cable (and Netflix). But still, it’s difficult not to think, “Wow, this is Marvel show!” when you see Jessica and Luke passionately ramming into each other in so many scenes here, simply because it’s such a different use of what has become such a huge brand. But it works within the context of the show and these characters for sure, and so the idea that Jessica and Luke, already hot for each other, would really go crazy, bed breaking included, after finding out they each have superpowers is very amusing. And as a way to get Luke’s “Sweet Christmas!” catchphrase from the comics into the series, this sure worked well!
It was also great to see them comparing notes on their abilities, how they got them (“Accident.” “Experiment”) and other people out there with them, “The big green dude and his crew,” included. [Though I will say, Agents of SHIELD still feels oddly an island onto itself in the MCU as far as no one directly referring to things that happened in it in other projects. That show has introduced a ton of superpowered characters now, some of whom have been seen in public, so it would be nice if Luke had mentioned, say, the Absorbing Man.]
Of course this episode also revealed the big, dark secret Jessica is keeping from Luke, and it’s a doozy – she killed his wife! It was under Kilgrave’s orders, but still, it’s obviously an effectively monumental secret, setting up her telling Luke things were over by episode’s end.
The reveal that Jessica did in fact commit murder while under Kilgrave’s thrall was juxtaposed with the introduction of the one notable part of the Jessica Jones cast we hadn’t met yet – Wil Traval’s cop, “Simpson” (who may be the MCU version of a certain Marvel character introduced in Daredevil comics), who was sent to kill Trish. This set off a really thrilling course of events in the episode, beginning with Trish’s attempts to fight Simpson off, as she got in some very good hits of her own, before he overpowered her – only for Jessica to save the day. We know Trish has been taking learning to fight, and it was very well done how she showed she was indeed formidable, while not quite at the place where she could stop someone like Simpson. (Hellcat she ain’t… yet).