Just Cause 3 Mech Land Assault DLC Adds Mechs and a Gravity Gun

Just Cause 3 Mech Land Assault DLC Adds Mechs and a Gravity Gun

Not content with just allowing Rico Rodriguez to flatten bases with rockets, grenades, and his trusty grappling hook, Just Cause 3’s latest DLC, Mech Land Assault, will allow Rico to mount mechs. Not enough? The mechs are outfitted with gravity guns. Suddenly, Just Cause 3 just got a little more awesome.

The DLC, available on June 3rd for Season Pass holders and June 10th for everyone else, plunks Rico on Lacrima Island, a new location off the coast of Medici. There he must infiltrate an abandoned research facility that has been turned into a detention center run by a group called the Black Hand. They, of course, are armed with mechs as well, so it won’t be an easy fight.

To help Rico in his mission, he will now be able to pilot one of two types of mechs. In addition to just being plain awesome, the mechs are equipped with a Gravitational Remote Influence Projector (GRIP), a gravity gun that allows Rico to grab and throw objects.

“The new Mechs allow Rico to throw enemies, vehicles and chaos objects around like tennis balls – increasing the scope for physics-based fun,” says senior producer Tobias Andersson. “Whether you’re juggling a small car or punching helicopters out of the sky, the Mechs give you the opportunity to mess with your surroundings in creative, explosive ways.”

For those who want to grab the Just Cause 3 Season Pass, it’s available now for $24.99. It’ll include the previous expansion, Sky Fortress, with the purchase.

He has been playing video games for longer than he would like to admit, and is passionate about all retro games and systems. He also goes to bars with an NES controller hoping that entering the Konami code will give him thirty chances with the drunk chick at the bar. His interests include vodka, old-school games, women, vodka, and women gamers who drink vodka.

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