Limitless: “Page 44” Review

Limitless: “Page 44” Review

Surrounded by mouse traps.

By Max Nicholson

Warning: Full spoilers from the episode follow.

After the introduction of Eddie’s ominous middleman Mr. Sands, we knew things were going to get trickier for Brian this week. However, I wasn’t expecting Brian to get two additional cases on top of that. Suffice to say, he had his work cut out for him — stealing NZT files for Sands, solving a murder for his new friend, and working out another case for the FBI — but this week’s “Page 44” balanced all three storylines surprisingly well.

Granted, some parts were stronger than others. The episode started off rather typically, with Brian (and Mike & Ike) working his magic on a suspect’s garbage. In truth, the Zhang case was probably one of the weakest cases we’ve seen (something about organic milk and drone schematics? Blah, blah, blah…), but it did throw another wrench in Brian’s plans, specifically in terms of him getting his hands on Naz’s computer files.

"Oh, you know, just algorithmically optimizing my game."

“Oh, you know, just algorithmically optimizing my game.”

Luckily, I wasn’t the only one bored with the Zhang case. Obviously, Brian was more focused on Wilkerman’s murder and the “immortal mouse,” which I thought was the more interesting mystery of the two anyway. I loved how even Rebecca was nudging Brian to ditch Mike & Ike so he could investigate Claxion and get out of doing grunt work for the Zhang case.

Overall, Brian and Rebecca’s relationship is still one of the strongest aspects of this show. They had some pretty funny banter this week, particularly at Claxion (“I’m in the building, dumb-ass.” *thumbs up emoji*), and I think it’s great how they’re really starting to trust each other. Of course, that trust also turned out to be Brian’s undoing this week, as he tried to fabricate NZT files as a way “repaying” Rebecca for saving his skin. Not surprisingly, Brian’s scheme didn’t work, but it did prove that Sands — and Eddie for that matter — are not to be trifled with.

I love Video games.First system i ever got was a Atari 2600,Ever since the first time i moved that joystick i was hooked.I have been writing and podcasting about games for 7 years now.I Started Digital Crack Network In 2015 and haven't looked back.

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