Limitless: “Personality Crisis” Review

Limitless: “Personality Crisis” Review

No more Mr. Happy Nice Guy.

By Max Nicholson

Warning: Full spoilers from the episode follow.

While Limitless has had no shortage of paint-by-numbers procedural cases so far, the series has done a good job of giving them all solid emotional through lines. And despite this week’s bomb threat being fairly typical, the toll it took on Brian kept the episode engaging throughout — especially since it mirrored Brian’s own turmoil over telling Rebecca the truth about her father.

Again, the RDD storyline wasn’t the most original idea for an episode, and the threat it posed was never fully realized in a big way. As it happened, the “climax” was just a drop-off sting involving three people, with no actual “Weapon of Mass Disruption” endangering the city at any point. That said, Brian’s humorous antics, cutaways and narration were all on-point this week. I particularly enjoyed his recall of Bruce Lee’s Enter the Dragon, which turned out to be way less useful than he thought.

"Quick study" my foot!

“Quick study” my foot!

Enter martial arts extraordinaire Casey Rooks, played by Jennifer Carpenter’s former Dexter costar Desmond Harrington. While most of “Personality Crisis” was centered around the RDD case, it was fun seeing Brian interact with an FBI agent that he actually got along with, besides Rebecca. Also, it was only a matter of time before Brian received formal combat training so he could take pee breaks without having to worry about getting his butt kicked by bad guys. (“Don’t… move?”) I thought the fact that Rebecca was dating Casey was a nice twist, too, making the latter’s involvement more personal than, say, Naz or Boyle’s.

This episode also benefitted from Brian’s attachment to his latest informant, Chris Harper (Derek Goh). Not only did it make Brian’s manipulation more personal when it came time for Chris to turn his brother in, but it also fed into Brian’s own decision to tell Rebecca about her father’s NZT file. Obviously, this wasn’t a smart move in terms of Brian infringing on Eddie’s rules — and that’s probably why Eddie is returning in the next episode. But on the plus side for Brian, it will probably earn him some trust points with Rebecca when she inevitably finds out about Brian’s immunity shots.

I love Video games.First system i ever got was a Atari 2600,Ever since the first time i moved that joystick i was hooked.I have been writing and podcasting about games for 7 years now.I Started Digital Crack Network In 2015 and haven't looked back.

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