Marvel’s Jessica Jones: Episode 1 Review


Language is just one of the things that would make Captain America pause in the new Marvel / Netflix series.

By Eric Goldman

Note: This is a spoiler-free review of the first episode of Marvel’s Jessica Jones, which screened at New York Comic Con earlier this month. The review and score are for the first episode only – we’ll have reviews of all 13 episodes and a full season review going up after the series debuts on November 20th.

The debut of the great Daredevil series on Netflix earlier this year opened a new door for Marvel into darker, more violent territory than their films, or ABC/network series, have gone and Jessica Jones proves that the company (and their owners at Disney) are willing to go even further. Based on the character from Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos’ excellent comic book Alias, Jessica Jones stands out as a decidedly mature project, which immediately lets you know this is really not a show meant for kids.

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