Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 1: The Order of the Stone Review


Light on gameplay, but lots of heart.

By Justin Davis

Episode 1 of Minecraft: Story Mode feels more like Telltale’s The Walking Dead than you might guess. You’ll make tough choices about which members of your group stay and which go, mediate disputes, and yes, you’ll even fend off zombies. Of course, Story Mode’s family-friendly adventure replaces Walking Dead’s despair with a lighthearted sense of humor and camaraderie, written with a lot of heart that kept me invested in this story and its mysteries.

At first, the world is a mystery in of itself. We play as Jesse, the heart of a group of friends and aspiring builders. As for what it means to be a builder in the world of Minecraft: Story Mode? I couldn’t tell you, because almost no time is spent on introducing us to Telltale’s take on Minecraft’s inherently blank-slate universe in Episode 1. Instead we’re quickly tossed directly into the drama. Ten extra minutes of opening scenes devoted to who these friends are, where they live, and other worldbuilding or character moments would have gone a long way towards orienting me into what this blocky world is all about and what its rules are. Are they kids? Adults? Do people in this world have jobs? I’m not sure.

I love Video games.First system i ever got was a Atari 2600,Ever since the first time i moved that joystick i was hooked.I have been writing and podcasting about games for 7 years now.I Started Digital Crack Network In 2015 and haven't looked back.

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