Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 2 – Assembly Required Review


A lack of character.

By Justin Davis

Rather than building on its promising debut, Episode 2 of Minecraft: Story Mode stumbles. Called Assembly Required, it still has all of Episode 1’s flaws, while introducing a few new ones of its own. Most of the humor and heart that balanced out the premiere’s weaker elements and kept it enjoyable are sadly also absent. Combine all this with a distressingly short running time and the end result is a brief, forgettable adventure that feels of little consequence.

Your decision determines which land you visit.

At the end of Episode 1, the stakes are made clear and the stage has been set. Jesse and his friends must reunite the legendary (or are they?) heroes The Order of the Stone to save the world from destruction. The episode ends with a trademark Telltale choice that had me scratching my chin in consideration: should I travel with one friend to recruit the brainy Order engineer Ellegaard, or go with another to find the Order’s “griefer,” Magnus?

In a bold move, this choice proves real in Assembly Required. Your decision determines which land you visit, complete with separate dialogue, sets, and characters. The two story paths don’t rejoin one another until 30 minutes in – a forking path much larger than is typically seen in an episodic game.

I love Video games.First system i ever got was a Atari 2600,Ever since the first time i moved that joystick i was hooked.I have been writing and podcasting about games for 7 years now.I Started Digital Crack Network In 2015 and haven't looked back.

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