My impression of Avengers: Endgame (no Spoilers)

My impression of Avengers: Endgame (no Spoilers)

My impression of Avengers: Endgame and all I can say is the wait is finally over and finally got to see Avengers: Endgame! My god, it felt like I’ve been waiting forever for this movie! And with the said let’s get started. This movie was just amazing!! The Russo Brothers created a masterpiece with this movie. This movie had it all drama, suspense, comedy and ending to this saga.

My emotions were freaking out from start to ending. But I’ve had conversations with some people that really did not like it and I can’t make this up. They did not like it because “There was not enough action and this is the worst Marvel movie ever” I’m very open with a good convo but you need to back those facts up. While talking to the person I realized they were not really into the comics or really know a lot about the Marvel films and where it was leading to. This person shared his opinion I smiled and explained what he didn’t understand from the film but it was not really computing. So now I’m wondering if non-comic book readers or at least the one that follows the storyline saw the movie understood it?

Being I’ve done some reading to the comics and of course, they’re not going to follow everything from the comics but still found this movie breathtaking. 11 years, 22 films, and a grand finale for this saga were perfect. I highly suggest to please go see this movie. The cam version won’t do any justice. Being in the same room with others sharing all the feels this movie gave is a beautiful thing.

We give this movie a solid 10/10 and we can’t wait to see what else do they have in store for us after Spiderman: Far from home.

If you are one of those that didn’t enjoy the movie we would love to hear your thoughts and discuss it down below. Until next time 🙂 We’ll see you at the movies.

PR Media Manager,gamer, cosplay,podcast, live video game streaming, also known as the man of a Thousand voices on and also being awesome

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