No Man’s Sky’s Latest Trailer Almost Squashed My Planetary Dream

no man's sky

All I wanted was my own planet. No Man’s Sky was my way to finally have one. After watching the latest video for the game, however, I may have to resort to plan B: Marvin the Martian cosplay!

Hello Games’ procedurally generated universal exploration sim has had me salivating for quite some time now. The thought of blasting through space and exploring the farthest reaches of galaxies makes the Star Trek and Battlestar Galactica fan in me ecstatic. Most exciting for me was the ability to find, land on, and explore a countless amount of planets. If a player is first to find the planet, he or she gets to name it.

I have my name picked out. The name is a tribute to the fact that I’m still eight years old mentally: planet D***cheese. One YouTube video later, the discovery of planet D***cheese may see some delays.

[youtube id=”1jpHldhY_V0″ autoplay=”no”]

As one would expect, landing on an alien world is not going to be all party hats and cake. The environments are hostile, with everything from extreme hot or cold weather to radiation to acid rain. If the planets’ atmospheric hell cannot damage you enough, their inhabitants – vegetable and animal alike – would be more than happy to take their shot at finishing you off. Fortunately, players can toughen themselves up via available suit upgrades that can better withstand some of the more extreme environments. As for the angrier denizens of the planets, a laser to the face or stamen may be applied. Players traverse the landscaped armed for battle.

This new trailer shows off Survive, one of four elements shown by Hello Games in their Guides to the Galaxy series of videos. The other elements are Explore, Fight, and Trade. Now all that’s left is for the game to release on August 9th so all aspiring space explorers can begin to lose entire days to the cause.

Hopefully, I can figure out the surviving part quickly. The fate of planet D***cheese depends on it!

He has been playing video games for longer than he would like to admit, and is passionate about all retro games and systems. He also goes to bars with an NES controller hoping that entering the Konami code will give him thirty chances with the drunk chick at the bar. His interests include vodka, old-school games, women, vodka, and women gamers who drink vodka.

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