No Man’s Sky Patch Coming Soon, to fix “Most Critical Issues”

no man's sky

No Man’s Sky launched on the PlayStation 4 earlier this week to a lot of fanfare. The game’s performance thus far has been a bit dodgy. Developer Hello Games is aware of several issues and is “working to resolve [them] as soon as possible.”

Game director Sean Murray posted a blog entry today on the No Man’s Sky site called “Issues”. In it, Murray says they’re tracking “a number of issues, bugs and crashes that players are reporting.” He also mentions that the amount of people playing the game, as well as their average play time, was greater than they anticipated. That said, he says they are working to adapt to the larger demand.

“We sincerely apologize to anyone affected in the meantime,” he said.

In the blog post, Murray outlined some actions Hello Games has taken to better deal with the issues. They have brought in a new quality assurance team – “larger than the entire Hello Games team!” – to complement Sony’s QA team. They are working on fixes for the issues they feel are most critical and plan to offer a patch soon. Finally, they will be working on rolling out a new ticketed support system to better track reported issues.

He spends the remainder of the blog post suggesting some workarounds for specific issues and addressing the problem some players had with receiving their pre-order bonus. He also addressed an issue with the preorder ship that may leave players stranded.

“In most cases the player is actually able to continue (107 of the 135 reports emailed so far). The game already detects the player needs a hyperdrive and directs them to a nearby NPC who will give the player the hyperdrive they need. Some other players were able to resolve this issue by restarting their console.”

No Man’s Sky is being played relentlessly by some members of Digital Crack. Hopefully, one of them will resurface long enough to get a review written up.

He has been playing video games for longer than he would like to admit, and is passionate about all retro games and systems. He also goes to bars with an NES controller hoping that entering the Konami code will give him thirty chances with the drunk chick at the bar. His interests include vodka, old-school games, women, vodka, and women gamers who drink vodka.

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