Pan Review


Peter Pan gets a new origin story, but it wasn’t one worth telling.

By Josh Lasser

Stories that expand the world of Peter Pan are not exactly new and, unsurprisingly, some succeed while others do not. Joe Wright’s origin story for the character, Pan, definitely falls into the latter category.

It is very early on in the proceedings when we know that there is something off about the film. It all goes badly at the orphanage where we meet Levi Miller’s Peter. The nun in charge of the Lambeth Home for Boys is Mother Barnabas (Kathy Burke), and she doesn’t merely hide food from the kids who haven’t got enough to eat, she actually hides the records for each child as well.

Before we can spend too much time pondering why that might be, we learn that Mother Barnabas and the nuns are selling orphans to the Neverland pirates. The pirates in turn need the kids as slaves to dig up crystals of fairy dust for their nefarious leader, Blackbeard (Hugh Jackman) who appears on the scene as the slaves shout the lyrics to Smells Like Teen Spirit.

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