Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension Review


The end is here.

By Eric Goldman

The sixth installment in the Paranormal Activity series (referring to Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones as a “spinoff” just seems silly, especially considering how it ended) is being marketed as the final one, which obviously raises the stakes on the events this time out. It can’t be just another sequel; there has to be some sense of finality to it. Which is why Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension is ultimately pretty frustrating.

It’s too bad, because I’d say much of the film works and functions as another fun installment in the series – the caveat being if you, like myself, are a fan of the series in general. The Ghost Dimension has a few differences from the other chapters, but it’s still a Paranormal Activity movie. It’s still all done found footage style and you still have to go with a huge amount of suspension of disbelief that these people hold onto their cameras (and point them properly) in the midst of some of the events occurring around them. But if you’ve sat through five of these suckers so far, here’s hoping it’s because you ultimately enjoy them and their often effective mix of stillness and mundane events with big jump scares.

Like the last couple of films, The Ghost Dimension introduces an entirely new group of characters into the mix, as we meet the Fleege family – married couple Emily (Brit Shaw) and Ryan (Chris J. Muray), their young daughter Leila (Ivy George), Emily’s sister, Skyler (Olivia Taylor Dudley) and Ryan’s brother, Mike (Dan Gill) – the presence of visiting adult siblings explained by the film’s pre-Christmas, holiday setting. Ryan and Mike discover a box at the house with an old, 1980s home video camera and several VHS tapes. When Mike begins using the camera, he begins to see strange things through it, indicating a presence in the home… even as Leila begins to act very oddly, and disturbingly reminiscent of footage on the old tapes of, of course, Katie and Kristi (Chloe Csengery and Jessica Tyler Brown, reprising their Paranormal Activity 3 roles through a mixture of old and new footage).

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