R Squared Comic Book Podcast Episode 8: SHITCAST

r squared

Hello listeners!

You (might have) asked for it! So here it is! Karla and Menissa finally discuss (some) Marvel and DC!

Join in as Menissa, Karla and Elias talk about what they think of the new DC film trailers and what they could do without! And then let them entertain you with stories about their personal lives like – How does Menissa handle people who hit on her tattoos? What’s the creepiest thing that Elias has done? How does Karla handle sexual assault?

And that’s not all! The ladies and gent throw in some added echoes and ambient noise as their “studio” goes under construction! ALL FOR YOUR ENJOYMENT!

Intro and Outro: “Shake it and Break it” by Lanin’s Southern Serenaders

Art by: William Wong
Logo and media: Kenneth Wical

He has been playing video games for longer than he would like to admit, and is passionate about all retro games and systems. He also goes to bars with an NES controller hoping that entering the Konami code will give him thirty chances with the drunk chick at the bar. His interests include vodka, old-school games, women, vodka, and women gamers who drink vodka.

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