Hither came Sonja the Hyrkanian.
Dynamite is shaking up Red Sonja’s world in a big way for 2016. The She-Devil has a new ongoing series, a new creative team, and even a new costume to call her own. And while following the likes of Gail Simone and Walter Geovani is a daunting task, it appears that incoming writer Marguerite Bennett and artist Aneke have what it takes to make this character their own.
The new series is certainly tonally different from the last. As much as any comic set in a world of stabby barbarians and widespread suffering can be described as lighthearted, the new Red Sonja qualifies. Bennett strikes an odd but effective balance between humorous whimsy and wistful longing as she establishes Sonja’s new status quo. As this issue opens, Sonja is offered the chance to become Queen. She rejects it, as any self-respecting, free-spirited She-Devil would, but soon finds herself wondering what might have been while simultaneously bristling at how peaceful and orderly the realm of Hyrkania has become under its new ruler. This opening issue is more humorous than dramatic, though it finds adequate room for action along the way.
Bennett also uses this premise to explore Sonja’s psyche in surprising depth. This is mostly accomplished through a recurring series of dream sequences as Sonja reflects on the paths her life might have taken and the people she might have shared it with. It’s poignant without being “in your face,” and it allows the reader to quickly connect with Sonja regardless of their prior experience with the franchise. Whatever this issue might lack in terms of a compelling plot it more than makes up for in quality characterization.

Aneke brings a light, energetic tough to the series that works hand in hand with Bennett’s relatively goofier take on Red Sonja. She and colorist Jorge Sutil bring life to this fantasy realm and its varied inhabitants. The facial work is a little plain, but the monster designs and general sense of motion to the figures are impressive.
As for the much ballyhooed costume redesign, it’s a fine upgrade to the iconic but blatantly impractical chainmail bikini. For all the excuses that can be made to justify Sonja’s old costume (“She’s sexually liberated!” or “She uses it to distract her foes!” or whatever), the simple fact is that it can be hard to take a character seriously when they wear the same skimpy outfit regardless of climate or threat level. It’s not as if Sonja has suddenly lost all her sex appeal because her cleavage is no longer bared. And if the new costume attracts a few more readers to the series who might have dismissed it otherwise, so much the better.
Whether you’re a long-time fan of red Sonja or a complete newbie, this relaunched series has something to offer. It takes a more lighthearted approach to the character while also delivering a poignant look at her character and her many regrets. Sure, this issue doesn’t boast the most epic conflict ever witnessed in a sword-and-sandals comic, but there’s plenty of time for that element to come into play.