Robot Chicken DC Comics Special III Review


“Crisis on a Couple of Earths.”

By Jesse Schedeen

Note – this is a spoiler-free advance review of Robot Chicken DC Comics Special III.

It’s not surprising that Robot Chicken has now spawned a third half-hour spinoff devoted to the many heroes and villains of the DC Universe. Between the various DC comics, TV shows, movies and video games, there’s no shortage of material for the Robot Chicken crew to mine. The problem these specials wrestle with is that they cast a fairly narrow net in terms of who and what is actually spoofed. The third special is no exception in that regard, though it is the most cohesive and enjoyable of the bunch.

Airing Sunday night, “Magical Friendship” follows a similar formula to last year’s “Villains in Paradise.” While the episode is broken up into the usual short vignettes Robot Chicken is known for, there’s a recurring storyline that builds over the course of half an hour and eventually explodes into an epic showdown. But whereas “Villains in Paradise” focused on Lex Luthor and the Legion of Doom, the emphasis here is more on Superman and Batman’s bitter rivalry. If not the most creative route this special could have taken, it’s certainly timely with the upcoming release of Batman v Superman.

As with “Villains in Paradise,” my main complaint with this DC Special is that so much of the material is focused on spoofing the Super Friends cartoon and that particular incarnation of the Justice League and the Legion of Doom. Sure, it’s an iconic piece of DC lore, and one most viewers will instantly recognize. But this approach ensures that most of the sketches revolve around the same handful of characters. How many times can these episodes poke fun at how much of a self-absorbed jerk Superman is or how lame Aquaman and Robin are before those horses are flogged to death? Rarely do these sketches expand outwards to cover things like the New 52 comics or the various live-action films and TV shows. With as many action figures as companies like Mattel and DC Collectibles pump out, there’s no reason the same dozen or so old-school MEGO dolls need to star in almost every sketch.

There are times when the writers really dig into the annals of DC lore and find comedic gold. This episode opens with a brief but hilarious sketch starring Swamp Thing and Abigail Arcane. Between that, a sketch with Doctor Fate posing as a couples therapist and the return of a certain iconic, ’60s-era Dynamic Duo, it’s telling that the most memorable material is often that which strays from the beaten path.

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