ROK is Miami’s Game changer!

ROK is Miami’s Game changer!

We had the absolute pleasure of meeting ROK and seeing what they are bringing to Miami gamers. It was such a fun time seeing all these players show up and battle to be number one and win the cash prize for the game they’re playing that day. This tournament had it all planned out and set up great. The three games they had out that Sunday was Super Smash Brothers, NBA 2k19, and Fortnite also this event was sponsored and gaming equipment by Primus Gaming

Cash prizes and other giveaways for the following game: Super Smash Brothers $500, NBA 2K19 $350, and Fortnite $500

We’re excited as well to be working with them to bring you more news on the gaming events!

But the real question is Who is ROK?

Raiders of the Knight (ROK) Gaming is a team of passionate gamers.

They strive to create a one of a kind culture within the City of Miami, building the foundation for future generations. By creating a safe, social space where the Miami gaming Community can come together, regardless of age.

ROK eSports was established in November 2018 by Cody Dierickx and Jon Ortiz.

Their goal is to bring an esports bar and LAN center to cultivate the social and competitive gaming within the city of Miami. In December, They took there the first step in achieving there dreams by purchasing the initial set of equipment. They wanted to differentiate themselves from other organizers by offering competitors high-quality equipment to play on while being as professional as possible. The goal is to allow amateur players to compete at a professional level and gain LAN tournament experience. Currently, ROK runs competitive tournaments at local bar venues throughout the City of Miami.

They have a lot planned for the Miami Gaming community and hope you guys join them for this gaming journey and make history.

For more information on registering for the tournament happening this weekend please go to

Also, check out their website:



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PR Media Manager,gamer, cosplay,podcast, live video game streaming, also known as the man of a Thousand voices on and also being awesome

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