Have You Seen … Trick ‘r Treat?

trick 'r treat

Release Date: December 9, 2007

Director: Michael Dougherty

Starring: Dylan Baker, Rochelle Aytes, Quinn Lord, Lauren Lee Smith, Moneca Delain, Tahmoh Penikett, Leslie Bibb, Anna Paquin, Brian Cox

Favorite Quote: “Charlie’s Brown’s an asshole!” – Billy

Punisher (Video Editor / Podcast Personality)

I remember the first time I saw this movie. It was October 2010, and Cousin Jose kept telling me about this movie called Trick ‘r Treat. Mind you, I was like wtf are you talking about? But he needed me to see it. Let me just tell you that this movie gave me feels for Halloween again. This movie has five stories that happen on Halloween night that works around everybody. But the five stories it all ties to a little guy named Sam. Sam is a child trick-or-treater wearing shabby orange P.J.’s and a burlap sack over his head. He shows up in all the stories when someone breaks Halloween traditions. This movie came out on December 2007 and still holds up. It has a good following of people that want a part 2 to come out.  Hell, Cousin Jose and I are waiting for it. This movie doesn’t have a lot jump scares but they do have odd twists. One lesson of the movie that gets to me is, “always check your candy”. You’ll see why.

I fell in love with this movie and how it plays out. It was a fun movie to watch and just giggle with joy while eating popcorn or candy. I do thank our dear favorite comic book nerd, Cousin Jose for showing me this delightful movie.

Cousin Jose (DC Comics Specialist / Cub Writer)

The air is nice and crisp and it’s dark outside, but you are in the mood to see a good horror movie. You are tired of all the crap that is being shown now but don’t want to debate on what classic to watch since you are in the mood for something somewhat modern. Trick ‘r Treat is that answer for you.

Trick ‘r Treat is not your typical horror movie since there isn’t gore within this movie, so sorry for all of you gore fans, this isn’t for you. But if you follow these rules on Halloween, you might survive the night. If not, Sam will come to enforce these rules on you. The rules are regarding handing out candy to trick-or-treaters, wearing a costume, and never blowing out a jack o‘lantern before midnight.

The movie is told all at once but you notice that it is five stories that connect to each other towards the end. The one person you will always see throughout the whole movie, or feel the presence of, is Samhain – or Sam for short. Christmas has Santa Claus, Halloween has Sam. Each story has a rule being broken, hence the presence of Sam in there, and as the enforcer he is no joke. Don’t underestimate Sam because he looks like a small kid. Each story has a rule that is being broken and some rules that are not broken which can keep you alive.

Everything that is happening within the movie is during Halloween night at Warren Valley, OH. There is a moment in one of the stories which tells a local legend of a Massacre in Warren Valley that happened on Halloween day in a school bus. The beginning and the ending does show clips of comic strips, meaning that this movie has a comic book feel and behold there is a graphic novel out. Everything happens for a reason since it all goes back to the tradition of the holiday itself.

This movie is worth a watch because it’s a different take to the horror genre. It’s an anthology movie that doesn’t have a traditional killer. It does provide you with the rules, or traditions as they call it, that allow you to know how to survive this Halloween night. Remember, Halloween is the one night where the living and the dead can walk amongst each other. For them not to kill us we dress up in costumes. So give out candies, don’t blow out the candle before midnight and give this movie a watch. You will enjoy it.

PR Media Manager,gamer, cosplay,podcast, live video game streaming, also known as the man of a Thousand voices on https://digitalcracknetwork.com and also being awesome

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