Is Sony working on a PlayStation 4.5?

Is Sony working on a PlayStation 4.5?

maxresdefault (3)Kotaku usually has some reliable sources when it comes to new hardware, so you can consider us interested after their latest report.

Now they’re reporting that multiple developer sources have told them that Sony is working on something they call PlayStation 4.5. The new version will include an upgraded GPU both to support high-end 4K resolution for games and add more processing power that can enhance games on PlayStation VR.

None of their sources could say when it would launch or at what price. Nor had they heard anything about the possibility of upgrading the original PlayStation 4 to the new version.

These rumours doesn’t exactly come as a giant surprise after Phil Spencer and Microsoft’s latest statements. If Microsoft is considering releasing a new Xbox One, Sony is surely to follow. We’re most definitely enticed by the idea of consoles shortening the gap up to high-end PCs.

PR Media Manager,gamer, cosplay,podcast, live video game streaming, also known as the man of a Thousand voices on and also being awesome

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