Street Fighter V Update Drops Tons of Changes, Some Hilarious, Some Bad

street fighter v

Capcom’s recent update 1.06 for Street Fighter V has added a ton of changes to the game. While most were expected, at least one unexpected but welcome. And one of them was not intended and was potentially harmful.

The main addition with update 1.06 was Urien, the last fighter to be added for Season 1. Last seen in Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact, the brawler is bedecked in a suit. This disappointed fans who were hoping to see him sporting his old-school Speedo look. Turns out, Capcom had them in mind.

If a player who selected Urien holds down the light punch, medium kick, and heavy punch buttons during the pre-fight intro, Urien will burn off his suit and emerge sporting his trademark white Speedo. This will also work with his story mode and battle outfits with slight variations.

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One expected addition was new Environmental Stage KO’s. If simply beating your opponent isn’t enough, certain stages allow you to add insult to injury. You can shoot your opponent out of a cannon; throw them into a safe; smash them into a wall, have them juggled by elephants; or – my personal favorite – smashed into a hot dog sign, with a large hot dog landing on their head.

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Unfortunately, not everything added by the update is welcome. The 1.06 update for Street Fighter V gave PC owners an unwanted gift: a rootkit. Capcom added a driver file to the update which they insist was only meant to stop players from hacking the game in order to cheat. The driver, however, opened a backdoor that would allow malicious software to run with administrator privileges. Thankfully, Capcom rolled out a patch to fix the issue.

I will admit that Capcom’s updates for Street Fighter V are getting a bit on my nerves. In addition to the update applying automatically, I always have to start the game to apply a separate update. This might have been prevented if Capcom had just released a complete game at launch, but at least Capcom is trying to improve the game without charge. Still, it’s a pain in the ass.

He has been playing video games for longer than he would like to admit, and is passionate about all retro games and systems. He also goes to bars with an NES controller hoping that entering the Konami code will give him thirty chances with the drunk chick at the bar. His interests include vodka, old-school games, women, vodka, and women gamers who drink vodka.

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