Superman: American Alien #5 Review

Superman: American Alien #5 Review

A new hero emerges in Metropolis.

By Jesse Schedeen

Many have justified Man of Steel’s – to put it politely – questionable depiction of the iconic hero by arguing that the film showcases a Superman who’s still new to the job and learning how to become the hero he’s meant to be. You can’t build a Superman without breaking a few eggs, right? Even if those eggs happen to be thousands of innocent lives and half the buildings in Metropolis? There are plenty of valid counterpoints to that argument, but perhaps none as eloquent as Superman: American Alien #5.

In the latest chapter of this unexpectedly delightful mini-series, Landis reconnects with a Clark who’s at a similar point in his life as the one in Man of Steel. He’s beginning to use his powers to help the people of Metropolis, even if he’s not quite sure how to go about it. He wears a hodgepodge costume (including, hilariously enough, the cape he stole from Batman in issue #4) and lacks a good superhero name, but Clark is still determined to make his parents proud and use his powers for the betterment of mankind.

That’s what makes this comic the rebuttal to Man of Steel. Landis is perfectly happy to paint Clark as a confused young man who lacks the confidence and self-assurance he’ll one day possess, but his moral compass is rock solid. It’s not that a rookie Superman can’t fail; it’s that he needs to keep searching for a better way. As Clark becomes a public figure and encounters his first superhuman opponent, his focus is always on saving lives, not beating up the bad guy. This issue explores ideas in the now-classic Action Comics #775 as it explores whether Superman and his wide-eyed, optimistic brand of heroism have a place in today’s cynical society. Man of Steel says no. American Alien says yes. And it does so while maintaining the series’ usual charm and sense of humor.


Part of the fun with this issue is seeing Lex Luthor and Lois Lane play critical roles in Clark’s evolution. The former is all-too happy to taunt Superman for his mental inferiority and his willingness to lower himself to the level of mankind. The latter becomes a sounding board as Clark explores his own insecurities and doubts about the crusade he’s undertaking. Thanks largely to his interactions with these two crucial figures in his life, Clark makes a tangible shift towards becoming a full-fledged Superman.

Each issue of this series has been a visual showcase, and none greater than this one. Landis teams with Francis Manapul for a mesmerizing look at Superman’s early days. Everything, from the simple yet effective page layouts to the expressive facial work to the incredibly dynamic action scenes, serves as a reminder that Manapul is one of the best storytellers in DC’s lineup. He’s also one of their best colorists. There’s a lush, vaguely nostalgic quality to these pages that enhances Landis’ script immensely. Consider Manapul’s work here a consolation for his all-too-brief Adventure Comics run.

The Verdict

If there’s any one takeaway from Superman: American Alien, it’s that some people in Hollywood understand what makes Superman great. The latest chapter of the series might just be the best yet thanks to Manapul’s stunning artwork and Landis’ captivating depiction of a Clark Kent who’s still finding his way as he begins using his powers to defend his city. This is the Superman we both need and deserve right now.

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