A new dawn for Superman?
DC has made no secret of the fact that Superman will be regaining his lost powers and returning to some semblance of normalcy in early 2016. And really, did anyone expect the current status quo to last forever? But before then, the de-powered, wayward Superman must face one last challenge in the form of Vandal Savage. This issue sets the stage for “Savage Dawn,” a major Superman crossover that will unite most of the franchise for the next three months. And if this issue is any indication, there’s plenty to look forward to.
This issue offers one overarching story that’s split along two fronts. In the present, Clark continues to wrestle with his diminished capabilities and his inability to find a solution. In the past, various segments explore the life and times of Vandal Savage, ranging from his transformative experience 50,000 years ago to key encounters with historical figures. Along the way, Savage’s origin is reworked to more closely tie him with Superman and set the stage for the conflict to come.
Despite the long, long list of creators involved with this issue, the end product is surprisingly cohesive. Greg Pak, Aron Kuder, Pete Tomasi and Gene Luen Yang all collaborate on the script, achieving a pretty consistent voice throughout the several dozen pages. This issue is most successful when it comes to fleshing out the early years of Vandal Savage and painting him not as a remorseless tyrant so much as a man denied power and respect as a youth and now determined to seize as much of it as he can across the ages. The writers tend to go a little overboard when it comes to portraying Clark’s desperation and helplessness over his current de-powered state. Superman is ta more fundamentally hopeful and optimistic a character than portrayed here, but the same could be said for many comics over the past few months. The god news is that the writers are able to build a deeper source of personal conflict for Clark and pave the way for a Superman/Vandal Savage showdown.

This issue features a great many pencillers, inkers and colorists alongside the various writers. Here to, the book is able to maintain a certain cohesion despite having so many cooks in the kitchen. It helps that such a stark contrast is drawn between the past and present-day segments. Inker Bil Sienkiewicz slathers his pages in heavy blacks, an effect that’s more surreal and moody than grim and gritty. Meanwhile, a more sleek and classical superhero style is employed for the flashback scenes. I have to wonder if the two styles wouldn’t have been better off being flip-flopped, but the visuals are eye-catching all the same.
The concern with this issue is how well it actually represents the Superman/Vandal Savage conflict to come. The Superman franchise (especially in recent years) has a bad habit of taking solid concepts and running them into the ground with bloated, convoluted crossovers. Look no further than the “Doomed” crossover or even the execution of Superman’s new status quo this year. This annual offers a solid foundation on which to build, but can this crossover succeed where others have failed? We’ll see?
Whether “Savage Dawn” will ultimately succeed where previous Superman crossovers have struggled remains to be sen. But at least this storyline is of to a good start. This issue offers a compelling look at the origins of Vandal Savage and the conflict that will soon pit him against Superman.