They grow up so quickly.
Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.
Where to begin? Supernatural didn’t pull any punches with “Our Little World.” They found people, and they got answers. This rapid fire pace is refreshing. They’re not stretching out the story nor does it feel like they’re rushing it. The sequence of events is following a natural, speedy beat, and the result is Supernatural has me on the edge of my seat more than it has in a long time.
Amara was at the center of this week’s revelations. Her relationship with Crowley was explored more before she shut him out, and it’s intriguing to see Crowley act more human again. There’s part of him that wants a connection. We saw it when he befriended Dean — and both Crowley and Dean referenced their days of bromance — and it’s present again with Amara. Sure, he wants to have all her power at his disposal, but there’s genuine concern there too. Crowley could simply have been an enforcer, but instead, he tried to be a father figure. Not all of it was about manipulating her, and that, in a way, was sweet. Almost touching. Crowley’s still a badass, but I like knowing a soft spot remains.
Crowley tried to forge a connection with Amara, but Dean has one whether he wants to or not. Anytime Amara talks to Dean, I picture her hypnotizing him a la Kaa in The Jungle Book. Dean’s still present and lucid, but his eyes sort of glaze over. She has a soft spot for him since he freed her, and their dynamic is going to cause trouble — more than it already is.
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photo Gallery:

Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos

Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Supernatural: “Our Little World” Photos
Something I’ve noticed throughout Season 11 and again jumped out in this episode is how on point the dialogue is between Sam and dean. They’re brotherly in a way we haven’t seen on a regular basis for a bit. Their back and forth shows they’re teasing and supporting each other, and it’s just comfortable. And it is beyond awesome for Sam to keep bringing up the “saving people” line. He suggested performing an exorcism. It has been forever since the option was on the table. It makes me happy to see they’re making this new attitude stick.
While the boys were occupied, Castiel left the remote/crutch behind and went after Metatron. He found him, question him, got the demon tablet, and learned about the Darkness. Way to get back in the game, Cas, you win the house cup. We didn’t need another three episodes of Metatron being chained up and tortured; it was a relief to get to the point.
Curtis Armstrong has been a delight in the role since the beginning, but boy, it was fantastic to see him take on another side of Metatron. It’s the most open the character has been, and Armstrong nailed it and as Cas said, he was pitiable. Before Metatron broke though — and some of the scene and great performance was undercut but the super jarring editing — he tried to talk his way out of and around the situation and that was in character and brilliant.
He noticed Castiel’s scars, too. The Winchesters aren’t the best at going past the surface and are too trusting when someone says he’s okay, so they didn’t pick up on Castiel’s problems. While it’s sad to see Cas hurting, it’s good for the sake of story to see there are repercussions.
Learning Amara is the sibling of god was a bombshell, but what happened at the end topped it. Sam saw the cage. Yes, that cage. It holds so much potential.
Supernatural isn’t wasting any time. Cas found Metatron and got answers in a single episode, and the Winchesters went right to Amara and Crowley. The pace is adding an urgency to the story. And bonuses: we learned how Amara ties into the big picture and got a look at the cage. In short, things are happening and Supernatural is more exciting than it’s been in a little while.