
The HD Retro Movement: New Systems, Old Games

Gotta Go Fast…and Pretty! As anyone who follows me (all twelve of you) knows, I have my foot firmly planted in retro gaming. There are huge legions of gamers who share my love for all things retro, including Digital Crack mate Cousin Jose. My Facebook feed is littered with posts from the dozens of retro groups I follow. They run the gamut from the Magnavox Odyssey to the PlayStation 3 (which...[Read More]

Ataribox Update: IT’S A TRAP!

Insert tired meme here A few days ago, I wrote an article talking about my misgivings with the Ataribox. It was the second such article I’ve posted. This is not a similar article. Rather than list reasons why I’m leery of the console, I’m going to straight-up lambaste it. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my opinion that the Ataribox is a scam. In the words of the meme staple Admiral Ackbar, IT’S A TRAP...[Read More]

Ataribox Details Finally Emerge. I’m Still Not Impressed

Back in July, Atari made waves by announcing the Ataribox. In an interview with GamesBeat back then, Atari CEO Fred Chesnais confirmed that the company was working on a new console. Details were very scarce at the time; the only information available included photos and Chesnais’ confirmation that Atari was “back in the hardware business.” Some folks were curious, others hopeful. I was neither. Fa...[Read More]

Atari 2600’s 40th Anniversary: An Old-School Recollection

Have you played Atari today? (Note: I began work on this article the day before Hurricane Irma struck Florida. After three days of sweating and suffering, power was restored to my neighborhood. The following days were a blur of catching up with work, trying to get my internet service back up, and generally going nuts. This article took a back seat. I know this article is way past the Atari 2600’s ...[Read More]

Retro Review: Demon Attack (Atari 2600)

Release Date: 1982 Developer: Imagic Publisher: Imagic Imitation is considered the sincerest form of flattery. In video games nowadays, it’s seen by many as derivative and lazy. Back in the second generation of home video game consoles, it was almost inevitable. Imagic’s Demon Attack at least imitated with some style. Back in the early years of home video gaming, ideas for new games came in fast a...[Read More]

‘Tis the Season to Get Great Video Games Gifts

I am part of the first generation to transition from “normal” Christmas presents like toys to getting video games for Christmas. I vaguely remember my last Christmas where I only received toys. The presents were indicative of my era. I received Hot Wheels cars, Lincoln Logs, toy soldiers, LEGO blocks, and an electric slot car set that year. I felt like I had been the best child in North America th...[Read More]

Retro Review: Yars’ Revenge (Atari 2600)

Release Date: May 1982 Developer: Howard Scott Warshaw Publisher: Atari The Atari 2600 was the sales leader for the second generation of home video games. It was also quite tricky to develop games for. The system’s notoriously low capabilities and the game cartridges’ equally low capacity made things difficult for programmers. The stories about having to read manuals to learn to exploit buffers an...[Read More]

Retro Review: Missile Command (Arcade)

Release Date: 1980 Developer: Atari Publisher: Atari Ever since Atari’s Computer Space debuted at the Music Operators of America (MOA) Exposition in 1971, the purpose of video games has been to provide enjoyment for players and money for developers. Rare is the video game that is supposed to make players think about the consequences. Rarer still is the game that gives its developer nightmares. Mis...[Read More]

Retro Review: Custer’s Revenge (Atari 2600)

Release Date: September 23, 1982 Developer: Mystique Publisher: Mystique The second generation of video games was literally the Wild West. Nowhere was this more evident that when it came to video game releases. With no licensing programs for third-parties, there was no “quality control” for games, which meant that console manufacturers couldn’t weed out bad games or bad game ideas. Nowhere was thi...[Read More]

Retro Review: River Raid (Atari 2600)

Release Date: 1982 Developer: Activision Publisher: Activision Some firsts don’t get much notice. When discussing the first commercially successful video game console, most readily mention the Atari Video Computer System, aka the Atari VCS or 2600. When asked who the first third-party publisher of video games was, the video game cognoscenti rapidly point to Activision. But who is credited as the f...[Read More]

Retro Review: Kaboom! (Atari 2600)

Release Date: 1981 Developer: Activision Publisher: Activision   Back in the second generation of console gaming, arcade gameplay was the norm. There were very few games that actually had an ending; Atari’s Adventure for the Atari VCS/2600 comes to mind, as it is the first game that I recall actually having an ending. For games back then, the goal was to get the high score and nothing more. A...[Read More]

Atari Working On Getting Centipede, Missile Command to Big Screen

Say what you want about Atari – and I have done so on a couple of occasions – but they are nothing if not insistent. The publisher, far removed from its origins and now owned by Vivendi, has been attempting to shill its gaming properties for years, with uninspired remake after uninspired remake flooding the gaming space. Well, now you can add feature films to their to-do list. Atari is partnering ...[Read More]

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