
Digital Crack Video Game Podcast Episode 18

This podcast runs on alcohol and swearing and is Not suitable for children.This week we go in depth about Street fighter V, Quantum Break, Fallout 4 DLC And much more…

Pixel Piracy available for PS4 and Xbox One

Pixel Piracy, a game that’s an amusing mix of role-playing, strategy and management, has been available on PC for almost a year. Now the open-world adventure is being released on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. In the game you need to recruit a crew, equip them with everything they need, customise the ship and then set sail. Players can use any combination of aggressive or diversionary tactics, ...[Read More]

Just Cause 3 Review

When the 2015 holiday release calendar for video games was finalized, I stared in awe at all the great titles that were scheduled to be released. One of them, however, kept staring back at me: Just Cause 3. It may seem odd that, in a season where Fallout 4, The Witcher 3, and Metal Gear Solid V are prominently featured, I would be staring so intently at a game some may consider to be second-tier n...[Read More]

UFC 2 : Preview

Our review of EA’s first UFC game was apparently the lowest in the entire world (it’s not, but there you go). The 5/10 score caused irritation at the developer and that’s easy to understand. Having worked very hard for years only to have someone call your efforts “consistently mediocre” is clearly not something that is easily shaken off. But the score stands and it fe...[Read More]

Doom : Preview

In the year 2013 id Software had already been developing Doom 4 for years. According to executive producer Marty Stratton the state of the game and the direction it was heading in just wasn’t right. The team made a bold choice to start the whole process from scratch. Researching fan expectations, id Software made an effort to build a nostalgic first-person shooter similar to the games that o...[Read More]

Rise of the Tomb Raider Review

With Lara Croft making a triumphant return in 2013 with Crystal Dynamics’ reboot, we were eager to see how the new concept had evolved with Rise of the Tomb Raider. And while it is clear that the studio has taken in all the feedback from their previous effort, it’s also clear that this isn’t a dramatic departure in terms of concept and structure. At its core it’s an action-...[Read More]

Gravity Rush Remastered Review

The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree. Even though PlayStation 4 is a lot more powerful than the Vita can ever hope to be, the remaster crew at Bluepoint Games have decided to stay as true to the original Gravity Rush as possible. That means the game shows signs of aging, but still contains all the creativity that enthralled Vita owners back in 2012. To fly above a city seldom feels a...[Read More]

The Witness Review

We have tried many puzzle games over the years, and the best all have one thing in common. They make us think about them even when we’re not playing. Be it to see how the furniture in the living room can be organised Tetris-style, how we can use portals to teleport us to the other side of the office, or get us to inhospitable areas using a change of perspective. The Witness got us to draw ma...[Read More]

Helldivers Review

  I am a single-player gamer. When I play games, I like the solitude and predictability of the single-player experience. I prefer depending on my own skills when looking to dominating a game. But I do appreciate a good co-op multiplayer game when playing with friends. And if the game is challenging and depends on seamless cooperation between gamers, I dig it even more. I had seen videos and r...[Read More]

The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt Review

The Witcher 3: Witch Hunt feels like the next step in that evolution, and while not every part of the RPG comes together to satisfy all gamers, there’s enough here to see clearly where things are progressing. Available for the PS4, Xbox One and PC, Witcher 3 is still based largely on combat. But there’s a surprising level of complexity behind it, and you can go about each fight as you ...[Read More]

WWE 2K16 Review

Professional wrestling is a funny one: here’s a so-called sport that built its world on theatricality, on the showmanship of its acrobatic performers acting out massive fantasies of gladiatorial duels and overly dramatic contests. Aside from the occasional unfortunate mishap, no one is ever injured and it’s all tightly stage-managed. So how do you translate that all to the video game world? For 2K...[Read More]

Batman Arkham Knight Review

Is Batman Arkham Knight the best super hero game ever created ? Back in 2009 Rocksteady Studios released Batman Arkham Asylum and like many I thought it was another bad licensed super hero game. That was until i played it and thought finally someone created a good Batman game that made you feel like Batman. So when Batman Arkham City came out in 2011 it was a day 1 purchase for me. It was an amazi...[Read More]

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