
5 Things Today’s Console Gamers Take for Granted

Since I literally got into gaming when video games were first mass-marketed for the general public, my view on gaming has been skewed by my experiences over the years. This is most evident when my daughter bitches about something while playing a game that makes me want to get on my old-man soapbox and wax about the old days. She recently whined about having to save a game because we had to go some...[Read More]

The lifeblood of any good video game….Its Music

  My fellow Digital Crack podcaster Grumpy Joe and I have a bit of a good-natured rivalry going on. His current love of Sony and my decades-long respect for Nintendo clash on many an occasion. Most would think of our adulation for the two companies to be approaching fanboy-ism, but I think Joe sums it up best when he discusses our “disagreements” to others. In his words, partially derived fro...[Read More]

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