video game

Salt and Sanctuary Review

Eight hours in, and my skull has been bashed in more times that I care to count. My latest death is at the hands of a the Kraeken Cyclops. He’s actually wiped the floor with my face thrice. I keep going back, because I will be DAMNED if that big, cleaver wielding Darkheart wanna-be gets the best of me! The game is Salt and Sanctuary. It has me in its grip, and I refuse to stop until I wrench mysel...[Read More]

Jay and Silent Bob video game goes on Fig

Jay and Silent Bob – characters that appear in most of Kevin Smith’s movies (from Clerks and onwards) have yet to appear in a video game, but that might be about to change as indie devs Interabang Entertainment have taken to the hybrid crowdfunding/investment platform known as to get funding for Jay and Silent Bob: Chronic Blunt Punch a game that apparently won’t shy away ...[Read More]

Amplitude Review

Rhythm action games were once big business, with every man and his dog owning a copy of Guitar Hero in the mid-noughties. There was scarcely a party that didn’t involve epic battles fought using plastic peripherals and well-timed button presses. Guitar Hero won over critics and players alike and at one time it was more than just a game, it was a cultural institution seeing enough success to ...[Read More]

The lifeblood of any good video game….Its Music

  My fellow Digital Crack podcaster Grumpy Joe and I have a bit of a good-natured rivalry going on. His current love of Sony and my decades-long respect for Nintendo clash on many an occasion. Most would think of our adulation for the two companies to be approaching fanboy-ism, but I think Joe sums it up best when he discusses our “disagreements” to others. In his words, partially derived fro...[Read More]

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