The Walking Dead: “Thank You” Review

The Walking Dead: “Thank You” Review

Walkers, wolves, and the winding road home.

By Matt Fowler

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Okay, so there a ton of things to talk about with “Thank You” – Season 6’s third installment of (what now looks to be) a four-part same day action adventure story involving the converging dangers of walkers and Wolves. An episode that – if we’re to believe our eyes – contained a huge character death, but I’ll get to that shortly.

Timeline-wise, I can’t quite make things line up exactly – but that just could be me. What I mean is, could Morgan really have gotten to Alexandria that quickly considering how long it took Michonne and the rest of them to trek back? Granted, they had injured to tend to (curse you cliched horror story twisted ankle and coward’s misplaced bullet!). Also, the gunshots everyone heard, when compared to when the horn stopped, felt like they happened way too late.

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