Vikings: Season 4 Premiere Review

Vikings: Season 4 Premiere Review

The Return of the King.

By Matt Fowler

Warning: Full spoilers for the episode below.

Vikings returned to History with a solid, stage-setting episode that acted as a nice, urgent follow-up to the events of last season. No time jumps. No cutaways to non-Vikings across the sea. Just Kattegat, Hedeby, and Rollo back in Paris. Family drama. Friend drama. And A LOT OF CROSSBOWS.

Now, leaping ahead to the end, I don’t know if I’m fully sold on Rollo’s quick massacre of his own people, but – hell – it’s Rollo. I can’t ever say that a massive betrayal is outside of his capabilities. And it sure made for a cold, cruel ending. The moment he heard that as much as half of his countrymen wouldn’t support him in a potential conflict with Ragnar, he wiped them ALL out. Including the loyal friend who warned him about a possible mutiny. I suppose whether or not you bought into Rollo’s malice or not, it still played as a nice contrast to the bored, and accommodating, oaf role he played back in the city. A brute, but not so much so that he was willing to force his new bride into post-wedding sex. Something I’m sure can’t be said for most of the “non-savages” in Paris.

Keeping with crossbows here, Lagertha faced her own opposition back in Hedeby, but I don’t think any of us bought Kalf siding with Einar during the brief seconds when it seemed like Lagertha was in trouble. It was all ruse – a staged event to draw out the seditionists – so that he could employ his own use of crossbows. Most surprising here was Erlendur coming to Lagertha’s defense and betraying Einar.

And while “A Good Treason” may not have been filled with trademark Vikings battles, we did get two bloody ambushes out of it (why were the Paris Norsemen camped in such a vulnerable position?). Yes, the blood part of it actually felt somewhat new. Vikings has always been a violent series, but not a particularly gory one. Not like Game of Thrones. There’s not a lot of crimson. But this season opener gave us quite a few red moments. Plus, Lagertha actually castrating Einar, who was unfortunate enough to remain very much alive after getting a crossbow bolt shot through his neck. Quite a freakin’ moment there.

I love Video games.First system i ever got was a Atari 2600,Ever since the first time i moved that joystick i was hooked.I have been writing and podcasting about games for 7 years now.I Started Digital Crack Network In 2015 and haven't looked back.

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