You Wanna Remaster Games? Remaster These!


The eighth generation of video game consoles seems to me like the remaster generation. For all the great original IPs and sequels that we’ve received this generation, we’ve had more than a fair share of remasters on the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. While some remasters make sense, like Resident Evil 4 and Grim Fandango, some are lazy to the point of ridiculousness. Seriously, did we really need a The Last of Us Remastered or Injustice: God Among Us Ultimate Edition? The games were barely out on the previous consoles!

As a rule, I am against remasters of games that were out in the previous generation. When a remaster of a game for the Xbox 360 or Playstation 3 is announced, I cringe. I understand that puts me in the minority. I also understand that it’s unfair to rule out all games for those systems, since some came out early in the consoles’ life span. I wasn’t too bothered when Capcom announced remasters of the Dead Rising games because the original was an Xbox 360 exclusive and came out early in that console’s life. But DmC: Definitive Edition and Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition were both lazy cash grabs in my eyes.

That did get me to thinking, though: what games would make great remasters? Everyone has a favorite game from long ago that they loved and would like to see given the remaster treatment. I decided to write up a list of games or series I’d want remastered.

In making this list, I only gave myself one strict rule: the games had to be for a console older than the Xbox 360 and PS3 (I threw the Wii in there for fairness). I tried to avoid games like GoldenEye 007 that have licensing issues. Fighting games were a no-no, since the originals can sometimes be superior to the follow up (Marvel vs Capcom 2 comes to mind in this case).

When I was done, I had a list of 14 games. I pared them down to five for this article, listed in no particular order. As usual, these are my opinions, although I’d love to hear some other ideas.

Legacy of Kain Series (PlayStation, Dreamcast, PlayStation 2, Xbox)

I fell in love with this series the moment I popped Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain into my original PlayStation. The game is set in Nosgoth and centers around Kain, a man who has resurrected as a vampire and seeks revenge on those who killed him while looking to cure himself of his curse. Unfortunately, the game was a top-down 2D action-adventure game, a style that may not translate too well today.

The sequel, Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver, could definitely work now. It has a third-person over-the-shoulder view, and its plane-shifting mechanics, which were awesome at the time, are ripe for remastering. This game sees Kain as king of the vampires and puts the player in control of Raziel, one of his lieutenants. Kain executes Raziel, and the player’s goal is to get his revenge on both Kain and his minions.

Although the series got stale by its fifth title, Legacy of Kain: Defiance, the premise and gameplay still hold up. Honestly, I’d still love a remaster of the original, top-down 2D and all. Nosgoth was a pretty bleak world, and I think it deserves to be shown off again.

Square Enix Europe holds the rights to the series. They actually tried to get an MMO based on the world, Nosgoth, going. After an open beta in 2015, the servers were shut off. No one knows where that project is headed, but a remaster of the series would be great.

Wing Commander Series (PC, SNES, Sega CD, 3DO, Mac, PSP)

There is a void that’s remained in me for years: a space flight sim like the old days. Yes, Elite Dangerous is a great space flight sim, but I have more of a desire for a nostalgic trip in space. I have always loved space flight sims, and I would really love to see a reworking of a series from my earlier years.

I first thought about a remastering of the Colony Wars series from the PlayStation, but Wing Commander is more to my style. Ever since my first go-round with the pilot title on the SNES, I’ve loved dogfighting against the Kilrathi. (The Kilrathi are a race of evil cat people. Dogfighting against cat people…okay, I’ll stop now.)

As fun as the first two games were, the series really hit its stride with Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger. I played it on PC and was blown away. This game was made during the “multimedia” era, which demanded games have tons of FMV. But this wasn’t your regular run-of-the-mill FMV with unknown, bored actors. This was a real PRODUCTION, with top-notch talent. John Rhys-Davies as “Paladin”; Malcolm McDowell as Admiral Tolwyn; Tom Wilson – fucking BIFF TANNEN – as “Maniac” Marshal; and MOTHERFUCKING LUKE SKYWALKER HIMSELF, Mark Hamill, as the player-controlled ace pilot, Christopher Blair.

I admit that this series is a longshot of the highest degree. A series that evolved as much as this one did would be a major clusterfuck to remaster. Still, the series was amazing for its time. I would love to see the series remastered so I can relive the good ol’ days. The FMV can be replaced with game engine cinematics…or not! Biff can be my wingman any day!

The original publisher, Origin Systems, is owned by EA. They’ve left the series dormant since 2007’s Wing Commander Arena on Xbox Live Arcade. EA is not a fan of remasters, but I would much prefer they use this series as their first remastering attempt than Mass Effect. Better yet…

Jade Empire (Xbox)

With all the rumors surrounding the possibility of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic being remastered, it’s only fair to look at another of BioWare’s older games.

Jade Empire takes the BioWare formula and plunks it in Imperial China. It plays similarly to KOTOR, but with a martial arts slant. Even its philosophies, the Way of the Open Hand and the Way of the Closed Fist, closely resemble the Light and Dark Sides of the Star Wars universe. Gameplay in Jade Empire is also similar to other BioWare games, with real-time martial arts fights taking place of lightsaber battles and Mass Effect’s gun fights.

Honestly, I can’t even tell you why this game wasn’t as deified as KOTOR. Both were Xbox exclusives. Maybe the presence of KOTOR’s sequel on the PlayStation 2 had something to do with it. All I know is that my son and I desperately want this game to be remastered.

Funny thing is, it has been re-released…for iOS! A game as good as Jade Empire deserves to be redone and released on the PS4 or Xbox One. The fact it hasn’t is borderline criminal. EA, step up!

Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem (GameCube)

The GameCube may have been a commercial failure, but it had a very impressive library of games. Within that library is what many consider one of the best survival horror games ever, Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s Requiem.

Developed by Silicon Knights and published by Nintendo, Eternal Darkness puts the player in the shoes of Alexandra Rovias, who arrived at her grandfather’s house in Rhode Island after receiving a call that he was murdered. During her investigation, she finds a secret room that has many curious items, including a book bound in human skin and bone. Upon reading the book, she begins to experience the lives of her ancestors. Using those experiences and other clues hidden within the house, she begins to unravel the mystery. At the same time, her mind seems to be unraveling.

In addition to solving the camera and movement issues that plagued earlier survival horror titles like Resident Evil and Dino Crisis, the game introduces a sanity meter. As Alexandra or one of her ancestors is spotted by an enemy, a green bar depicting that character’s sanity begins to drain. As it does, certain strange effects are experienced. It can be something as simple as a skewed camera angle and strange noises. As it drains further, wilder things begin to happen, such as cockroackes running across the screen or the character suddenly losing all his or her limbs.

The one sanity effect that almost gave me a heart attack was when I was suddenly confronted with a Windows Blue Screen of Death. During the game. On a GameCube. It lasted for five seconds, then flashed back to the game, with Alexandra uttering, “What’s happening to me?” My son and I were rendered insensate.

Eternal Darkness has been in stasis for years. Its creator, Denis Dyack (who also created the Legacy of Kain series), has been busy trying to get a sequel, Shadow of the Eternals, off the ground for years. The original, meanwhile, remains in limbo. Silicon Knights dissolved long ago, and Nintendo has made no mention of any plans for Eternal Darkness. Well, here’s a plan, Nintendo: remaster it for either the Wii U or the upcoming NX. Better yet, sell it to a third party so it can be played by a wider audience! This game is an absolute gem in need of a remastering!

Parasite Eve (PlayStation)

SquareSoft had a run of incredible titles well before Enix assimilated them into its collective. With all the love thrown at the Final Fantasy and Chrono series, though, there is one series that is not as heralded: Parasite Eve.

The 1998 survival horror action RPG is actually a sequel to a novel of the same name. The game allows the player to assume the role of Aya Brea, a rookie NYC police officer who is thrust into a case where people are spontaneously combusting. Over the next six days, she learns of the presence of a malevolent being that is manipulating the mitochondria in people’s bodies to turn them to slag. Aya, however, is immune to the being’s effects, which only adds to the mystery.

The game was very well received for its time. Granted the combat system may be seen by some as antiquated. But I think it still holds up well.

(Side note: what’s wrong with turn-based or “active” battle systems? Final Fantasy VII had an “active” turn-based battle system in 1997 and everyone reveres that game. Now SquEnix wants to “modernize” the battle system for the remaster because it’s too antiquated. Let me know: are turn-based systems that bad?)

The biggest praise the game received on release was for it cinematics and its “adult” themes. I definitely appreciated the more mature story and action back then. A game like Parasite Eve would definitely do well now, even if the whole mitochondria subtext sounds too much like Star Wars’ midichlorians. The game was great to play back then, and it’d be great now. SquEnix, remaster it!

Honorable Mentions: Ace Combat, Einhander, Suikoden, Bushido Blade, Vandal Hearts, Dune, Gex, Spyro the Dragon, Skies of Arcadia, Colony Wars

What games would you like to see remastered? You don’t have to adopt my rules; I realize I see things differently from most. I’d love to hear some comments on this.

He has been playing video games for longer than he would like to admit, and is passionate about all retro games and systems. He also goes to bars with an NES controller hoping that entering the Konami code will give him thirty chances with the drunk chick at the bar. His interests include vodka, old-school games, women, vodka, and women gamers who drink vodka.

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