After seeing the YouTube series of Cobra Kai it left me wondering if Daniel LaRusso (Played by Ralph Macchio) was the hero or victim in 1984’s The Karate Kid. I re watched it again and I still love it and the little message it has about standing up to bullies but who’s the real bully in this movie?
For those that never seen the original click on the link below to see the plot of the movie:
This is a tough one but none of them are bullies in the story but more like misguided or tricked. Johnny Lawrence (played by William Zabka) is a rich kid that really is trying to get things in order. In one part of the movie while riding his motorcycle by the beach he tells his crew that he’s an ex degenerate and has one year to make everything right as a Senior in high school. In other words, clean up his act but one of his friends noticed Johnny’s ex girl Ali Mills (Played by Elisabeth Shue) playing soccer with Daniel and kind of messes with his head like she moved on after their break up. Now here is when things started making me think:
When did they break up?
How long were they together?
Why didn’t she just talk to him? (yes, Johnny was a little pissed but could have been resolved)
Why did they break up?
These questions are key to this scenario because Daniel gets involved without really knowing her or what happen to them. Ali Mills is a girl that comes from a wealthy family just like Johnny and oddly doesn’t like letting people know and never tells Daniel when they started dating knowing that he’s broke and lives in Reseda aka poor area.
Which leaves us with Ali being the puppet master of this issue. She could have defused the problem before it started as she could of told Daniel who he was or at least told him she got out of a relationship and was not really ready to date anyone for a min. But she didn’t and not even once cared that 2 guys were fighting for the wrong reason. In one part of the movie where she’s at a country club dancing with her Father he asks her if the 2 love birds were having a fight meaning her and Johnny had an argument which hit me like a ton of bricks. She never broke up with Johnny or never told her parents even during the party also she said Daniel is only her friend. When the father asked if she’s dating she clearly says no and going out with a friend. Sure, it can be a cover up but she looks like she’s been very open with her parents before also she’s kind of ashamed that he’s poor around her parents.
Johnny was just heart broken and was trying to get back or at least have some sort of peace between them and just like any guy that age he’s going to do everything he can to be a cock blocker.
So, the real ringleader here was Ali. She could have made peace with Johnny, told her parents about her and Johnny not going out anymore and could have told Daniel not to get involved because her and ex and mind his business. None of this would of never happen if she did what was right in the first place.
What you guys think of all this? Comment down below and let’s talk about this