Uncle Willy

He has been playing video games for longer than he would like to admit, and is passionate about all retro games and systems. He also goes to bars with an NES controller hoping that entering the Konami code will give him thirty chances with the drunk chick at the bar. His interests include vodka, old-school games, women, vodka, and women gamers who drink vodka.

R Squared Comic Book Podcast Episode 9: EPIC HUMBLE BUNDLE REVUE!

Hello listeners! In Episode 9, Menissa and Karla do an epic review for THREE VOLUMES! That’s right! Not just issues – but WHOLE VOLUMES! That’s roughly 18 issues! And it wouldn’t be an R2 Comics Revue without some shenanigans! The ladies drink a little bit over their usual and make it obvious for everyone to notice! So stay tuned for some blunders and jokes as they review: ...[Read More]



Party Hard : Review

Developer: Pinokl Games Publisher: tinyBuild Platform Reviewed: Playstation 4 Release Date: April 26, 2016 Acquired via: PSN   This game eluded me when it first came out on PC; I didn’t first hear about it until two months after its August 2015 release on Steam. I snapped it up soon after, and snapped it up again as soon as it became available for the PS4. Now I’m wondering why more people I ...[Read More]

Party Hard Review

This game eluded me when it first came out on PC; I didn’t first hear about it until two months after its August 2015 release on Steam. I snapped it up soon after, and snapped it up again as soon as it became available for the PS4. Now I’m wondering why more people I know haven’t. I admit that I don’t constantly check the Steam front page, so if this game hit it on release, I never saw it. I only ...[Read More]

R Squared Comic Book Podcast Episode 8: SHITCAST

Hello listeners! You (might have) asked for it! So here it is! Karla and Menissa finally discuss (some) Marvel and DC! Join in as Menissa, Karla and Elias talk about what they think of the new DC film trailers and what they could do without! And then let them entertain you with stories about their personal lives like – How does Menissa handle people who hit on her tattoos? What’s the c...[Read More]

Still I Weep At His Guitar…

It took one video to remind me how much I underestimated and dismissed him when I was younger. After watching the video, now I miss him more. I almost weep for his guitar. Cousin Jose started this melancholy trip. It began with a simple question on Google Hangouts: “hey what was that vid where prince was in and he fuckin killed it in the guitar solo?” “remember the name?” I instantly knew what vid...[Read More]

Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst Beta Impressions

When I first played the original Mirror’s Edge on the Xbox 360 years ago, the game itself wasn’t too impressive. I remember the story being crap and the areas I traversed being overly linear, almost on rails. The hand-to-hand combat was engaging and allowed a bit of freedom in how to attack enemies, but most people in the game felt pretty lifeless. But the running was spectacular, and I thoroughly...[Read More]

When the Servers Go Dark: The Reality of Always-Online Gaming

The Reality of Always-Online Gaming I did it. I finally got myself an Xbox One. It was the only 8th Generation console I was missing. Now I feel complete. Now I can join my fellow Digital Crack colleagues on all multiplayer binges, regardless of platform. Life is good. My console space is limited, though. I currently own 22 consoles, including my Xbone, and things are tight on my stands. For the t...[Read More]

Betas Are the New Demos – Complete With Pandering

In trying to explain my feelings during the week of April 11, 2016 – Beta Week – when three betas became available for me to play, the term “like a kid in a candy store” inevitably comes up. I was given the chance to play three games, for a limited time, well before they were supposed to come out. My excitement was lessened by the fact that the three games were all first-person shooters, a g...[Read More]

R Squared Comic Book Podcast Episode 7: #HitItOrQuitIt: The Follow Up

Hello listeners! In this episode of #HitItOrQuitIt, Karla and Menissa do a follow-up review on all the series they decided to hit! And they know there’s quite a few of them, but they can’t contain themselves! As per usual, the ladies go off on their tangents with their favorite guest – Elias! Stay tuned for their discussion on horror movies, the new “Suicide Squad” tr...[Read More]

R Squared Comic Book Podcast Episode 6: SHITCAST

Hello listeners! In this SHITCAST, listen to Menissa and Karla use a whole new set up they whipped up in an hour! The two ladies talk about Kevin, discuss movies they watched for the awards season and wonder if Courtney killed Kurt! They hope you enjoy the sounds of them kicking the microphone as much as you enjoy the sound of their voices! Intro and Outro: “Shake it and Break it” by L...[Read More]

R Squared Comic Book Podcast Episode 5: SAGA: THE EPIC REVUE

Hello listeners! Episode 5 of the “R Squared Comics Revue” features and EPIC REVIEW for the long-running series “SAGA”! Menissa and Karla are excited to cover BOOK 1 in this episode as Brian K. Vaughan has quickly become one of their favorite writers! But, as expected, the conversation takes some twists and turns – from meme wars to curse words and more! We hope you e...[Read More]

Quantum Broken on PC: Microsoft’s Universal Windows Platform’s Mess

Don’t you hate it when you get proven wrong? Don’t you hate it when your plans blow up in your face? Don’t you REALLY hate it when you become the world’s worst joke? Again? I am, of course, asking Microsoft. They should be tired of this by now, but they love putting themselves in this position. I’m still asking because, seriously, they should know better by now. The monolith from Redmond, WA recen...[Read More]

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