In the seventh episode of Daredevil: Season 2, Elektra complicates matters in huge ways.
The third episode of Daredevil: Season 2 is intense, provocative, and contains an action sequence that may top the Season 1 hallway fight.
Matt works to recover from his encounter with The Punisher while Foggy and Karen fight for their new client's rights.
Ragnar and his warriors in Kattegat prepare to return to Paris while Lagertha surprises Kalf with some great news.
Pee-wee Herman returns in a new Netflix original movie and yep, he's still got it.
Deadpool's Mercs take the wheel in this excellently illustrated installment.
The Americans returned with things more tense than ever, as the Jennings added bio-weapons to their list of problems.
Always Sunny tried a few new things in its eleventh season - with mixed results.
The first chapter of Marvel's latest X-Men crossover kicks off as a familiar enemy resurfaces.
The newest chapter of Max Landis' Superman saga explores Clark's chaotic early days as a costumed hero.
Gary Sinise stars in CBS's latest Criminal minds spinoff, which puts an international spin on a familiar formula.
If it doesn't fit, you must acquit -- right?