
Overwatch Will Be Free to Play on Console Next Weekend

For those seven people who aren’t already playing Overwatch, there is good news. Blizzard has announced that the game will be free to play for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One from September 9th-12th. This free weekend will allow players to try out all 22 heroes and 13 maps. Players will also be able to try out all modes: Custom Game, Play vs. AI, Quick Play, and the latest Weekly Brawl. Another per...[Read More]

Player Hits World of Warcraft Level Cap in Under 6 Hours

World of Warcraft Legion has just released, and among the new content and features is a new level cap of 110. I’m going through the game now, taking in the new zones while working on leveling my character. One player, though, had no time for any sightseeing. Twitch user Fragnance positively tore through the game, powerleveling his Demon Hunter from 100 to the new level cap in five hours and 28 min...[Read More]

World of Warcraft Legion Day 0: Launch Day Impressions

I would think that after eight years of playing World of Warcraft, I wouldn’t be excited enough about a new expansion to stay up for launch. I stayed up for the last three, and the last – for Warlords of Draenor – was an unmitigated disaster. Still, I felt anxious to begin questing in World of Warcraft Legion. The three weeks prior to Launch Day were spent getting my main character, an Arms Warrio...[Read More]

New Map for Overwatch Unveiled at Gamescom

During Gamescom 2016, Blizzard unveiled the first post-launch map for Overwatch. The map is a castle village named Eichenwalde in Germany, and it’s a shame that a village that idyllic is gonna host so much violence. [youtube id=”H3xFKckFCGM”] Blizzard notes that the map will be an Assault/Escort hybrid. In typical Blizzard fashion, the map has its own Omnic Crisis lore: “The site of on...[Read More]

Blizzard Announce Big Rebalancing for StarCraft II

Blizzard is always tweaking and tuning the mechanics of their games. As a longtime player in World of Warcraft, I can attest to how their “tweaking” affects my Arms Warrior or Shadow Priest. This time, however, Blizzard has turned its critical eye on StarCraft II. According to a Blizzard blog post, a big rebalancing will be arriving for the game in November. As usual, they will lean on the communi...[Read More]

Blizzard Reportedly Releasing StarCraft HD Remaster

This indeed is the generation of the HD Remaster. Many publishers seem content with just releasing older games – some from last generation, which I despise – with a new coat of varnish. Some games would benefit from an HD makeover – CRASH BANDICOOT!!! – but do we really need an HD Remaster of Arkham Asylum? (This is the part where Cousin Jose insists it’s a wonderful idea…) According to Korean sit...[Read More]

Overwatch Has a New Mode: Lucioball

Overwatch just got a new mode call Lucioball, and it may seem familiar to many gamers. The mode, in fact, turns the FPS into Rocket League. And it’s actually pretty fun! Lucioball is a the current weekly brawl in the game. It is a 3v3 skirmish set in an arena that’s a ringer for a Rocket League pitch, and everyone is Lucio. The players race around the arena, attempting to bounce a huge soccer ball...[Read More]

Blizzard Unleashes the Ban Hammer on Overwatch Cheaters

Everyone hates cheaters. Well, everyone who plays by the rules does. Blizzard does as well. Yesterday, Overwatch cheaters were hit with the one thing more lethal than Pharah’s Barrage: Blizzard’s ban hammer! The latest banwave targeted players who use a “triggerbot”, which automatically shoots for players when their cross-hairs are over an enemy. It also targeted users of “aimbots”, which improves...[Read More]

Blizzard Sues Maker of Overwatch Cheat Tool for Copyright Infringement

Blizzard Entertainment, developer of the runaway hit Overwatch, is not one to shy away from protecting its copyrights or going after anyone who attempts to allow cheating in its games. In a lawsuit filed at a federal court in California, Blizzard is doing both. They are accusing German company Bossland, the maker of the Overwatch cheat tool “Watchover Tyrant”, of copyright infringement and unfair ...[Read More]

Diablo II Turns 16: Revisiting a Game I Love

Diablo II was released on June 29, 2000, meaning the game just recently hit its Sweet Sixteen.  For some, this moment is a cute little touchstone that recognizes a game that they played for a while before they moved on to other games. For others, like me, it’s a reminder that a game they revere and still play is almost old enough to vote. I may not obsess over it as much as I used to, but I will s...[Read More]

Warcraft: The Movie from 2 Different Perspectives

Full disclosure: I am well versed in the Warcraft lore. That didn’t affect my viewing of this movie; the trailers convinced me I was going to hate this movie, lore be damned, so that affected my mood going in more than my knowledge. According to the degenerates that judge me on Digital Crack, I am a Warcraft fanboy. They base this on my 8-year history with World of Warcraft and nothing else. Truth...[Read More]

Overwatch Stats Site Shows Who Wins the Most and Least

Overwatch provides players with a wealth of statistics about their performance, both overall and as each individual character. But beyond what you're able to see about your own play history, there's nothing shared publicly--at least from an official source. A fan-run website that tracks these stats has now popped up, offering a glimpse into things like win rates and popularity.Master Overwatch pro...[Read More]

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